
Peggy Plots Your Planets

Your horoscope for the week of November 28

Las Vegas Weekly Horoscopes

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her e-mail.


ARIES (March 20-April 18)

You may find a few changes in the folks on the home front. Notice what surprises flow your way when the sun hooks up with Uranus in your sign. New moon Monday. Could explain why you feel so anxious. The new moon brings new opportunities for travel this holiday season. Mercury, the messenger of the gods, travels to Sagittarius. Share your knowledge. When Mercury visits Scorpio you could find a bonus of some sort. An opportunity to earn a little cash from the folks in the financial world.


TAURUS (April 19-May 19)

A new moon will occur next Monday in Sagittarius, where the moon joins the sun. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. With the sun and moon in the financial section of your chart, you will find opportunities to chat with the folks in the financial world. Unexpected good news comes your way this weekend. Gather information as Mercury, the messenger, visits Scorpio. See what you can dig up. Take advantage while good luck flows your way early in December.


GEMINI (May 20-June 19)

Time for a little action and energy around the home front. On Saturday, a sudden opportunity comes for you to share your hopes, wishes and goals with the folks from groups, clubs or organizations. New moon in Sagittarius. On Monday, write down your wishes and set your goals for the month. On Wednesday, your ruling planet, Mercury, travels to Sagittarius. Your relationship department is in the spotlight. This affects both business and personal friends. Your social life is in the spotlight this holiday season.


CANCER (June 20-July 21)

Jupiter in your sign sends a wink to Mercury today. The fun, love and luck department takes center stage. Good day to take a little gamble. Have fun as you get together with family and friends this week. Monday brings a new moon. I know you feel a little anxious. The new moon will be in your daily work department. Go ahead and write down your wishes and set your goals for the next month. On Wednesday, Mercury travels to Sagittarius. You may find co-workers want to communicate.


LEO (July 22-August 21)

The holiday season is under way. Enjoy your day with family and friends. You have an opportunity to see friends and socialize this holiday month. I know you have a desire to decorate the home front and show your creativity. New moon Monday. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. With the new moon in Sag, it is time to find a little fun, love and luck. You love to party. If you gamble, remember, it takes only ticket to win.


VIRGO (August 22- September 21)

You have much to detail and analyze this week. Celebrate today with family and friends. Play it cool on Friday as the moon squares off with Jupiter and Venus. On Saturday, expect the unexpected when you hear from friends around the home front. Old friends could reappear. New moon on Monday. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. The new moon and the sun give a jolt to the home front. Time to detail and analyze how you want to decorate the home front this holiday season.


LIBRA (September 22- October 21)

You have much to balance this week. The sun sends a wink to Uranus on Saturday. You suddenly have an opportunity to meet with both your business and personal friends. You could hear from someone from your past. New moon Monday. This, my friend, could explain why you feel a little anxious. New moon in your communication department gives you an opportunity to communicate with siblings and folks in your neighborhood. Mercury joins the moon in Sagittarius. Wish the Sags a happy birthday.


SCORPIO (October 22- November 20)

Get ready to celebrate the holiday season. On Saturday, the sun teams up with Uranus. You could receive an unexpected bonus from your daily work. You may feel a little anxious this weekend. Blame it on the new moon in Sagittarius. The new moon will occur in your house of earned income and what you value. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. On Wednesday, Mercury travels to Sagittarius. Celebrate with your Sagittarius friends. This is their month of birthdays. Join the party. Keep an eye on your spending this week.


SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 20)

On Saturday, add a little fun, love and luck to you to life. Expect the unexpected when Uranus works with the sun in your sign. This is the beginning of the holiday season. No need to blow your budget. On Monday, it’s a new moon. This is a lucky new moon in your sign. Use the next two weeks to your advantage while the planets send opportunity your way. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. You have to an opportunity to recognize errors and correct them today.


CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)

On Saturday, unexpected secrets could be told around the home front. Surprises on the home front. Monday brings a new moon. This is why you feel a little anxious this weekend. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. Your intuition is strong. If it feels good, go with your feelings. Now, do not allow your fears to get in the way. You can get an eye opener when you see what you can accomplish. Spend time with your Sagittarius friends as they celebrate their birthday month.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)

The sun shines bright in Sagittarius. You may decide to share a few of your unique ideas with the folks in groups, clubs and organizations. Saturday, when the sun hooks up with Uranus, is a great time to communicate. Other folks are there to help you reach your goal. Listen to what others share. New moon Monday. This could explain why you feel anxious. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. You may hear from the people in the professional world.


PISCES (February 19-March 19)

It’s time to celebrate. On Saturday, get ready for unexpected good news to flow your way when the sun works with the Uranus. Give this aspect a day or two. You could get unexpected news from the folks in authority. Maybe a bonus for what you value or you may receive a sudden bonus in your earned income. I know you feel anxious. Chill out. It’s the new moon in Sagittarius. Write down your wishes and set your goal for the month. The new moon will be in your career department. On Wednesday, Mercury joins the sun in your career department. Chat with the folks in authority.

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