
Peggy Plots Your Planets

Your horoscope for the week of September 19

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her email.


ARIES (March 20-April 18)

Full moon in Pisces today. You may want to spend a little time by yourself. Pay attention to your energy level. Could be a good day to chat with the boss or the people in the financial world. You may choose to do a little research. Pluto moves direct and business begins to move forward again. Your house of relationships, both business and personal, will be in the spotlight. Your life begins to speed up around friends and colleagues.


TAURUS (April 19-May 19)

Full moon today may be the cause of your anxiety. Get ready to step out of the box. Pluto, Mr. Power and Big Business, moves direct on Friday. Business begins to pick up. Share a few of your philosophies. Be ready for change when the fall equinox arrives on Sunday in Libra along with the sun. This puts your daily work in the spotlight. Play it cool as the sun visits your sign this weekend. Don’t get bullheaded. Go with the flow.


GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

Go ahead with your dreams. Keep your ideas to yourself. Your career is in the spotlight. Remain focused. Do not be bashful if you need advice. Speak up and get the support you need. Pluto, the planet of power and big business, moves forward on Friday. Get ready for business to improve. You will begin to experience fewer delays with the folks in the financial world. Sunday brings the fall equinox. The sun will take up residence in your fun, love and luck department.


CANCER (June 21-July 21)

You are ruled by the moon, so you probably are feeling anxious during the full moon today in your brother water sign, Pisces. Share your knowledge. No need for shortcuts. Keep your focus. The sun moves to Libra on Sunday, accompanied by the fall equinox. You may find a different viewpoint when you deal with the folks on the home front over the next month. Share your knowledge. Pluto moves direct on Friday and the full moon boosts your confidence. Perform one task at a time.


LEO (July 22-Aug. 21)

Full moon today may explain why you feel a little anxious. Chill out. You have an opportunity to get your business ideas moving. Pluto, Mr. Power and Big Business, begins to move forward again. Release your fears. The sun lands in Leo on Sunday. Welcome the fall equinox. Your space of information is in the spotlight this month. Your creative thinking is top-notch. Reach for your goals. Express yourself when working with professional people.


VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 21)

I have something to share with you later-born Virgos. You were born on the cusp. Those of you who celebrate birthdays this week are a little Libra as well as Virgo, so you should follow both signs. Should you feel a little anxious, chill out. A full moon falls in Pisces today in your house of relationships, both business and personal. Get ready for changes. The sun will spend the next month in your house of values and earned income.


LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Go easy when you deal with co-workers today. The full moon may have you feeling a little anxious. I have something to share with you early-born Libras as the sun travels to your sign on Sunday. You were born on the cusp. You early-born Libras should keep track of Virgo as well as Libra. Business begins to pick up when Pluto moves direct on Friday. Focus on your needs when you chat with people in the financial world. Your confidence gets a boost.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 20)

Chill out. You water signs will be affected by a full moon today in Pisces, a water sign like you. Cancer is the third water sign. Have fun. Add a little love and luck to your life. Sunday brings change. The fall equinox occurs as the sun moves to Libra. Work behind the scenes. Your birthday month is approaching, so you should put the final touches on the goals you set for the year. Do not reveal all your secrets. You may have a chance to detail and analyze when Pluto moves direct this week.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21-Dec. 20)

Full moon today in Pisces. Family members and others around the home front may be a little fidgety. Keep your words on the tender side. You, too, may feel a little antsy. Get ready for a little change. Pluto, Mr. Power and Big Business, comes out of retrograde on Friday. Things will begin to move forward again in your house of values and income. You have a chance to meet with folks in the business world. Share your ideas.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)

Pluto will start moving forward again in your sign on Friday. A full moon occurs today in Pisces. You have a chance to communicate with other residents of your sign. Pluto direct provides an opportunity to get your business back on track. The sun travels to Libra on Sunday, with the fall equinox tagging along. This puts your career in the spotlight for the next month. People in authority are noticing you. Let go of what is not working.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 19-Feb. 17)

Full moon today in Pisces. Share your values. Talk about your unique ideas. The fall equinox lands in Libra on Sunday along with the sun. The little peacemakers encourage you to share your knowledge. Some of you may decide to take a class or two or call your travel agent. We acquire knowledge through both travel and books. Your awareness grows this month. Pluto moves forward. Work behind the scenes. Get the rest you need to launch your new projects.


PISCES (Feb. 18-March 19)

Chill out. Full moon in your sign today. Could have you feeling a little anxious. Hang out with your Virgo friends during the last few days of their birthday celebrations. On Sunday, the sun leaves Virgo and heads for Libra, putting your finances in the spotlight for the next month. You may want to meet with the people in the financial world. Use this time to take a look at your joint resources and other investments. Pluto, the planet of power and big business, moves forward on Friday.

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