Kickin’ in a few bucks for kids at Kickflips vs. Kickdrums

Kickflips vs. Kickdrums benefits Push Forward Skateboarding and Girls Rock Vegas.
Photo: Bill Hughes

Some shred on a guitar; others shred on skateboards. Kickflips vs. Kickdrums promotes both for Las Vegas youth. The fundraiser benefits Girls Rock Vegas, a music camp for girls, and Push Forward Skateboarding, a club for boys, two organizations that promote positive pastimes and mentorships for young people. “It allows kids to create a hobby that will keep them out of trouble,” Girls Rock Vegas organizer Pam Pereira says of the two youth groups. “There aren’t really a whole lot of things for kids of that age to do in this town.” Sunday’s event will feature skateboarding demos, music by the Girls Rock Vegas campers, food from Origin India and raffle prizes. Upon entry, guests donate $10 to either organization. “They can say who they want the money to go to,” Pereira says. “We hope people are like, ‘Here’s for both.’ That would be cool.”

Kickflips vs. Kickdrums April 12, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., $10 donation. 1324 S. Sixth St., 702-860-7557.

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