Glass or Gass? Weekly helps you choose between two Saturday-night performers

This American Life‘s Ira Glass and Tenacious D’s Kyle Gass both play Vegas this weekend. Who are you going to see?
Ira Glass by Evan Agostini/AP, Kyle Glass by Dan Steinberg/AP
    • Claim to fame:

      Ira Glass: Host of This American Life public radio show, which has 2.2 million listeners weekly.

      Kyle Gass: One half of comedy-rock duo Tenacious D, alongside actor/comedian/wild man Jack Black.

    • The show will mash up ...

      Ira Glass: Dance and radio, two art forms that Glass says “have no business being together.”

      Kyle Gass: Comedy and music, through songs such as “Manchild,” “Bro Ho” and “Questionable."

    • Brow?

      Ira Glass: Decidedly high. The show boasts that it “has won all of the major broadcasting awards.”

      Kyle Gass: Proudly low. The band says it is “imitated by countless weekend warrior guitarists, tribute-band wannabees and dorm-room drunks."

    • Trademark look:

      Ira Glass: Buddy Holly-esque horn-rimmed glasses.

      Kyle Gass: Bald head, which graces his self-titled album cover in art form.

    • They said:

      Ira Glass: “We live in a world where joy and empathy and pleasure are all around us, there for the noticing.”

      Kyle Gass: “I might go back to school to learn to clean your pool. There’s so much more to me."

    • Go if ...

      Ira Glass: You dig experimental entertainment and can drop $100 on the good seats.

      Kyle Gass: You like “good-time rock ’n’ roll” ... with “just the slightest dusting of flute.”

    Ira Glass: Three Acts, Two Dancers, One Radio Host January 17, 7:30 p.m., $29-$99. Smith Center's Reynolds Hall, 702-930-8242.

    The Kyle Gass Band January 17, 7 p.m., $10-$15. Bunkhouse Saloon, 702-854-1414.

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