[The Weekly 5]

Five places to decompress for holiday stress

The Bellagio Conservatory’s wintertime display offers a different sort of holiday buzz.
Photo: Christopher DeVargas

1. High Roller Take a time out—and shrink the world down to size—with a relaxing spin on the Linq’s 550-feet-tall observation wheel. caesars.com/linq/high-roller

2. Seven Magic Mountains Ugo Rondinone’s colorful land art is a kind of anti-Christmas tree. Enjoy it now: This piece comes down next year. sevenmagicmountains.com

3. Spring Mountains Visitor Gateway Just inside the Mount Charleston tree line, the Gateway is a scenic lookout, classroom and cozy portal to snowy terrain. gomtcharleston.com

4. Springs Preserve Contemplate Nevada’s history, from the primeval era to modern times—or simply walk through the cactus gardens and let your mind wander. springspreserve.org

5. Bellagio Conservatory Enjoy the poinsettias, white hydrangeas and a 42-foot-tall White Fir tree in person, or via live webcam: earthcam.net/projects/bellagio/lasvegas

Photo of Las Vegas Weekly Staff

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