
ABC’s ‘Resurrection’ makes zombies … boring

There’s lots of talking … and talking … and talking … in ABC’s supernatural snoozefest Resurrection.

Two and a half stars

Resurrection Sundays, 9 p.m., ABC.

Zombies are so over. Dead people returning as shambling, flesh-eating corpses has been done to death, so now the undead are coming back as totally normal people. First it was on Sundance’s French import The Returned (being remade in English for A&E), and now on ABC’s Resurrection, in which a small Missouri town experiences the return of two people who died years earlier. It’s a small-scale phenomenon in the two episodes provided for review, and the show is less focused on big mysteries than on how people deal with suddenly seeing what appear to be their long-dead loved ones. The problem is that the characters are dull and the pace is slow, so that the only exciting moments come from the rudimentary plot twists. It’s refreshing for a serialized supernatural drama like this to be focused on personal interactions, but it would help if the people interacting were a little more interesting.

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