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Odd futures: More dystopian movies to check out after watching ‘The Hunger Games’

    • Twelve Monkeys (1995)

      Terry Gilliam’s time-travel mind-bender mostly takes place in the present, but the glimpses of the grimy future that Bruce Willis’ character is attempting to avert are as intense and disorienting as the movie’s twisty plot.

    • Battle Royale (2000)

      Like The Hunger Games, this Japanese cult classic features teens forced to fight each other to the death, although it’s more focused on gruesome violence than on exploring the society surrounding the death match.

    • Code 46 (2003)

      A stark but beautiful romance set in a future defined by genetic engineering, Michael Winterbottom’s film is challenging, intelligent and visually striking, with great lead performances from Tim Robbins and Samantha Morton.

    • A Scanner Darkly (2006)

      Richard Linklater adapts Philip K. Dick’s head-trip novel about a powerful hallucinogen into an equally trippy animated movie starring Keanu Reeves as a cop investigating the drug in a surveillance-heavy future.

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