As We See It

[The Backstory]

Superstition abounds at county coroner’s office

Photo: Leila Navidi

Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner | October, 2012 | 7 p.m.

They say that a journalist ride-along is good luck for the coroner. And by good luck, I mean that less people die when the media is hanging around. That was true for me on the three ride-alongs I took with coroner investigators last month for a Las Vegas Sun article. But don’t ever say that things are quiet at the coroner’s office. That statement invites disaster, they say, and superstition, especially in the spooky month of October, is prevalent at the Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner. The bodies there are real. And though they don’t speak, they always tell a tale.


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