Criss Angel talks of new partnership with Cirque, says ex-relationship with Holly Madison is ‘such old news’

Criss Angel.
Photo: Matthew Burke/APWI

No matter the day, Criss Angel probably slept no more than four hours last night.

“I’m a workaholic. I work and work and work,” Angel said last Wednesday during a segment recorded for the latest episode of Kats With the Dish, which aired at 6 p.m. Friday on KUNV 91.5-FM.

When asked by co-host Tricia McCrone if it’s true that he’s dating 2010 Miss USA Rima Fakih (the two were spotted at Ghostbar the night of the most recent Miss USA Pageant), Angel said, “We’re friends … but, honestly, no. I’m married to my work. I’m so busy. I’ve got so many projects going on.”

Angel is about to launch the website MagicPlace.Com, for which he is recording a series of shows called Magic Jam, focusing on magic and celebrities who are interested in the craft. Siegfried & Roy, Lance Burton and Ke$ha are those who have been interviewed so far. To fill the 14-shows-per-week schedule, Angel and a camera crew are recording nearly his every move, including the recording of the radio show, which also was being recorded by a crew from Vegas TV (KTUD), as there are plans to put the radio show on Vegas TV.

Criss Angel's new Believe illusions

So the session was a little cluttered for all the technology, but Angel was comfortable and forthcoming in the 30-minute session.

Most interesting, he disclosed that he is in talks with Cirque du Soleil about a new production. Angel said he’s been in talks this month with Cirque President Daniel Lamarre. Lamarre was in Las Vegas for the fifth anniversary of Love at the Mirage.

“I have another show, a touring show, that they are very, very interested in me writing and directing and putting out,” Angel said. “We haven’t signed any deals yet for it … but it’s a multiple amount of magicians and different specialty things.”

Angel said the discussion served as vindication for his creative aptitude after Believe at the Luxor, his original partnership with Cirque, was hit with rough reviews until Angel and Cirque agreed to allow Angel to turn the show into his own magical vision. Shed were most of the Cirque acrobatic and dance elements, staging and storyline.

“So for all the people who are naysayers out there, if (Believe), my abilities and talents were not there in full force, (Cirque) would never be in discussions with me about another project,” he said. “I’m very excited about it because it shows that as a creator and a director, I can stand on my own two legs.”

More highlights from the sit-down with the man who brought the TV show Mindfreak to A&E:

On the creative split between he and Cirque that made the revamped Believe possible: It’s a brand new show now. (When it opened) people wanted to see Mindfreak, they wanted to see what was performed on TV onstage. It’s like seeing an actor in a movie, you want to see him play the same part in every movie that he does. This was an opportunity to try something that was very unique, and really combining these two very different styles that, unfortunately, didn’t pan out in the way we had liked.

But even with all the bashing, even with all the negativity, I would never have changed it, and I’ll tell you why, for two simple reasons: It gave me the opportunity to try it, and it gave me the opportunity to evolve, develop and mature as an artist and as a human being. … Life is about the lessons you learn each and every day. I learned some tremendous lessons that will be with me for the rest of my life.

On decisions he’s made in the past that he would wish to undo: Probably the Perez Hilton incident (when Angel unleashed vulgarities at Hilton from the stage as Hilton tweeted barbed criticisms of Angel from his seat). I’ve never honestly met the man, and he might be the nicest guy in the world and this might be his mantra, his way of getting eyeballs to his Web site. But he was constantly bashing me and many other celebrities for a while … When he came to that show, I knew he was in the audience, and I was going to go out and meet him after the show, have a conversation with him and kind of try to befriend him.

But when everything went down during the show, which I thought was incredibly disrespectful, at the end of the show, I thought, let me give him a little taste of his own medicine. But what I realized is … I don’t want to stoop to all the trash and all the nonsense. … He wore my T-shirts, actually, at a premiere. But Perez, God bless you. If you’re listening, give me a call.

On his feelings for ex-girlfriend Holly Madison: It’s honestly such old news. Over two years ago, we dated for 10 or 12 weeks. I have taken the high road. I wish her only the best, even though sometimes she spews negativity, unfortunately, but she has to live with that, not me.

At the end of the day, I live my life, I do my thing, and she does her thing (Peepshow at Planet Hollywood and Holly’s World on E! Entertainment). You know, I helped set that situation up for her, and I’m happy that I did that for her. I only wish her the very, very best, but it’s old news, and, quite honestly, I’ve moved on a long time ago from that. … I don’t even spend a moment thinking about it. It’s so old, I’ve moved on from that mentally, physically and emotionally, a long time ago.

On a couple of promising future projects: There is big news in the coming weeks, hopefully, about my next TV project, which will be huge. ... It will be the biggest thing I have ever done in my television career. … We also just shot a clip with Keenan (Cahill, the teenage YouTube sensation whose lip-synced videos are an online sensation). He actually kills me in this clip. He starts out lip syncing, then discovers his passion is really magic. It’s going to be great, and millions of people are going to see it.

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