In the face of driving concerns, Vince Neil says not to worry

Vince Neil performs at the Palms Pool & Bungalows on July 1, 2010.
Photo: Erik Kabik/Retna/

Ever since he was released from house arrest after serving his sentence for a DUI offense, how Vince Neil gets from Point A to Point B has become something of a point of interest.

He’s been getting to those points, that much is certain, and the buggy he’s been driving has been his famous black Lamborghini with the vanity plate TATUUD. The vehicle has been spotted parked prominently at the valet of a couple of Neil’s favorite hotels, the Las Vegas Hilton and the Palms, on nights Neil has been reportedly enjoying a seemingly limitless flow of champagne and his return to freedom.

Guests at both hotels have reported via Twitter, email and text messages that they spotted the Motley Crue vocalist partying on numerous occasions in the week after he returned to civilian life.

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Vince Neil and Alicia Jacobs and comic Gilbert Gottfried
Vince Neil at the grand opening of his Tres Rios in the Las Vegas Hilton on June 12, 2010.

Vince Neil at the grand opening of his Tres Rios in the Las Vegas Hilton on June 12, 2010.

Vince Neil's 50th Birthday Celebration at Blush

Neil, a resident of Las Vegas, served 10 days of a 15-day sentence in Clark County Detention Center. He was released Feb. 25 and served the balance of the sentence under house arrest, which ended March 8.

Neil impressed jail officials with his humility and willingness to work hard for early release, performing menial cleanup tasks in the detention center. But he swiftly returned to celebratory mode after he turned in his ankle bracelet to Metro Police officers upon release. His first stop was the hotel where he was drinking the night of his arrest, the Hilton. He was later spotted at the Palms.

It bears reminding, of course, that hanging out in Vegas hotels and enjoying some bubbly is not in and of itself against the law, and the reports about Neil’s activity have not at all proven that Neil has been driving after drinking alcoholic beverages. Also, valet attendants at the Hilton and the Palms (and across Las Vegas, in fact) are trained not to return keys to drivers who appear to be impaired. But it is true that Neil’s Lamborghini has wound up at hotel-casinos where he has been seen drinking champagne, and his driver’s license was revoked in October as part of his DUI charge.

This is what makes Neil’s friends and fans, well aware of his history with DUI, a little nervous. But the 50-year-old rock vocalist says not to worry.

Saturday afternoon, Neil responded to text and phone messages left this week by saying he was OK, that “insinuations of me drinking and driving are completely false.” He added that the fact that his car has been witnessed at any hotel valet proves only that he was at that particular hotel.

Neil was then sent a follow-up text asking if he denied that his car was seen at those hotels at the same time he was seen drinking champagne, and if he could see how that would be a concern to anyone worried about his well-being given that he’d just been released from jail for DUI.

He responded:

“Last I heard it is not illegal to have a drink in this city. I am not on probation or under any drug and alcohol rules. I am not required to check in or submit to any type of testing. I did my time and am getting on with my life. If my car is in valet at night, the question is, is it still there in the morning? I am always provided rides home if I want or a room. Do not assume anything. I will not respond any further on this subject. I do not have to defend myself on rumors.”

So far, the consequence of Neil’s post-incarceration activity has been that he and his girlfriend, KSNV Channel 3 entertainment reporter Alicia Jacobs, have split after seven months. As Jacobs said Tuesday, “Due to the decisions Vince continues to make, it is necessary that I end our relationship of seven months. I wish him happiness and good health.”

Reached Saturday, Jacobs declined further comment. She had conducted a two-part interview with Neil after he was released from Clark County Detention Center and had just begun his period of house arrest.

The jail and house arrest sentence was issued as a result of a June 27 arrest after Neil was pulled over on Desert Inn west of Paradise Road. He failed three routine drunken-driving physical tests and took a breath test that resulted in readings of 0.215 and 0.216 (the legal limit is 0.08). He paid $2,000 bail and later paid a $585 fine as part of his sentencing.

During an interview last month on the radio show “Kats With the Dish,” which I host with Tricia McCrone, Neil said of his arrest: “Obviously, it was something that happened, and it should not have happened. There are so many other options that you can take instead of saying, ‘Yeah, I can drive home.’ But I did it.”

Neil, whose post-jail plans have included rehearsing for an upcoming Motley Crue world tour, also questioned the penalty he was to serve.

“They were a little harsh in the sentencing,” he said. “But they wanted to make an example out of me, and it is what it is. … It’s not bad, but it’s still jail. Jail is jail.”

The June arrest was not Neil’s first DUI offense. He was charged with felony DUI in a 1984 accident in Redondo Beach, Calif., that killed Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle Dingley and injured two others. After that tragedy, Neil was charged with drunken driving and vehicular manslaughter and received a 30-day jail sentence. He also paid $2.6 million in restitution and performed community service.

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