It is dark and early, so it must be time to leave

It is about 6 a.m., and I can tell you in full confidence that me and LV Weekly associate editor Todd Witcher are about to head off to Denver for Barack Obama’s speech at INVESCO Field at Mile High. We will be rumbling through such towns along I-15 and I-70 as St. George, Beaver, Monroe, Green River, Good Springs and Grand Junction. To paraphrase someone far wiser than I, we’re armed with video and audio equipment, three cords … and the truth!

We’ve scheduled interviews with small-business owners, a mayor, retirees and fellow journalists. We’ll also be corralling any common folk with a somewhat well-conceived opinion to tell us about the culture in their nape of the woods as this historic speech approaches. We don’t have tickets to the Obama speech and I can’t guarantee either of us will actually be in the stadium when this event unfolds. No matter. We will be at the epicenter of Blue America, after rolling through the reddest of Red America. Sounds like a good story, if not a good time.

Todd, can you dial up the John Denver, please?

Chat later.

John Kats

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