Paris Hilton on the hunt for a BFFN - best friend for now

Filming for the second season of Paris Hilton’s My New BFF, Paris gathered her BFF hopefuls for some fun in the sun out at the Hard Rock’s famous pool.
Photo: Erik Kabik / Hard Rock Hotel & Casino / RETNA

Last time I checked, the letters “BFF” stood for best friend forever. So why is Paris Hilton about to embark on a second season of her alternate universe reality show Paris Hilton’s My New BFF?

Ostensibly, the first season landed Ms. Hilton with a worthy gal pal: Las Vegas singer Brittany Flickinger. And yet, the heiress is back fawning for MTV cameras on the hunt for another forever friend. Did Flick and Hilton having a falling out or did someone forget to inform Flickinger of the “forever” clause in her contract? Perhaps Paris is just getting greedy. Money and couture aren’t enough anymore, now she wants friends, too. Jeesh.


Beyond the Weekly
Paris Hilton's My New BFF

Regardless of where things stand with the Season One winner, Paris returned to Vegas Monday with 20 doe-eyed wannabes in tow to film the first episode of Season Two at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. The first day lasted 15 hours, with Hilton dragging her charges all over the property, including stops at the Celebrity Suites and Body English. For the rest of Season Two’s filming Hilton will proceed to make her potential friends’ lives entertainingly hellish with silly challenges and ceaseless demands. (Hmmm … maybe that’s why Flick’s not sticking out.)

Leach Blog Photo

Hilton was joined by flamboyant former contestant Onch from Season One.

Of course, you can’t fault Hilton for scooping up multiple buddies on national television. There are worse things a world-famous heiress could collect, like endangered animals or STDs. Besides, you can never have too many best friends forever, or TV deals for that matter. Hell, even I’d be her BFF if she asked nicely and sent one of those cookie bouquets.

I’m guessing long term loyalty and cookie deliveries aren’t exactly the requirements Ms. Hilton has in mind for her new bestie. Forever is Hilton-ese seems to translate roughly to “whenever-the-ink-dries-on-next-year’s-contract.”

Photo of Sarah Feldberg

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