CineVegas 2008

Last Cup

Road to the World Series of Beer Pong

Tasha Chemplavil

Anyone who’s spent any significant amount of time on a college campus knows about the illustrious game of beer pong. The activity that combines ping-pong balls, beer and plastic cups is a favorite among the frat-boy set. In Last Cup: Road to the World Series of Beer Pong, director Lindsay follows the most likely contenders for the honor of 2007 World Champion of Beer Pong.


Last Cup: Road to the World Series of Beer Pong
Directed by Dan Lindsay
Plays again June 15 at 1 p.m.

With a purse of $20,000, the WSOBP attracts beer-pong enthusiasts from across the nation. Lindsay found memorable characters to cast his documentary on this seemingly laughable sport. But rather than poking fun at these men who devote much of their time to a glorified drinking game, Lindsay provides portraits of the sportsmen that are just as sincere as their attitude toward the game.

Granted, Last Cup is not all serious business. This is a documentary about beer pong, after all. The chosen beer pongers are all endlessly entertaining. Viewers will have a hard time choosing a favorite among the contestants, from the Back to the Future- and Brewers-loving Scott “Iceman” Reck to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle look-alike Antonio “Tone” Vassilatos.

Fortunately, due to the mass quantities of alcohol involved, in beer pong, everyone’s a winner.


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