
Taking a chill swill


The Details

Available at St. Tropez Convenience Mart, 4501 Paradise Road, among others.

I needed to relax. There was too much pre-Thanksgiving cleanup going on at home; I was about to attend a birthday party with 15 preschoolers dancing to hula music; and my hapless Broncos were losing to the even more hapless Raiders. So I downed a can of Drank. It’s the opposite of an energy drink; it’s supposed to produce “extreme relaxation.” Ingredients: rose hips, melatonin, valerian root. Taste: sweet, but not cloyingly so. Didn’t work right away, but eventually … I found myself … lolling … on the couch … totally cooled out ………………. (distant voices: “Scott, we could use a little help cleaning”) … not … gonna … happen ………………………………… contented sigh: ahhhhhhhhhhhh ……………………………… hula music: more tolerable than I’d have guessed …………………………………………. I’ll need a can of this for every Broncos game …

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