
Pretty as a pin-up


Come a modern woman with flat hair and bare legs, leave a 1950s goddess fit to be painted on the side of a B-52 bomber. Pretty Things Productions’ traveling pin-up class stops in Las Vegas on July 9 and will spend the afternoon transforming local ladies into Bettie Page beauties by way of makeup and hair instruction, a full makeover and a pin-up photo shoot.

Pin-up model instructors Go-Go Amy and Bettina May can wax nostalgic over the days of pin curls and red lipstick for hours, but we’ll save the detailed history of seamed stockings for after the school bell rings. Here for your studying pleasure are the Cliffs Notes:

A. Bright red lips: Scarlet lipstick adds a shot of instant vintage to even a modern look. You know Grandma always wore red.

B. Curled hair: Forget your flatiron and prepare for big hair. In three words: rollers, rollers, rollers.


Traveling pin-up class
July 9, 3-9 p.m.
$200. 8B E. Charleston Blvd.
Beyond the Weekly
Pretty Things Productions

C. Hair flower: “You never saw Billie Holiday without a flower in her hair,” says Amy. That’s good enough for us.

D. False eyelashes: Not much has changed in the eyelash department. Bigger is still much, much better.

E. Garters and seamed stockings: Before the fancy folks at L’eggs could weave nylon in a circle, they would lay it flat and sew it just like pants. And voila! One sexy seam.

F. Peep-toe heels: Blisters be damned, according to Amy, peep-toe heels force your body into a more fetching posture—butt out, legs flexed, shoulders back—while flashing just the right amount of toe.

Photo of Sarah Feldberg

Sarah Feldberg

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