Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

Martha Woodworth


with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I'm in a very old, large, white house. I see a man's head lying on the floor. Later I see the rest of his body, headless, down the road. In this house, a song playing on the radio reminded me of good memories, like on lazy summer afternoons. It made me sad and want to run away.

Kimbra, 23

Lauri: The severed head most likely indicates a separation somewhere in your life. What feels disconnected in your life? Any breakups? Have you had to cut something out of your life? The head also symbolizes your thoughts, ideas and intellect. Do you need to "cut off" a certain opinion, idea or memory? This may be where the song comes into play, as it was all about days gone by. The need to run away suggests needing to escape something in waking life. Any past issues you need to deal with so you can move on?

Kimbra replies: This makes sense to me. My sophomore year of high school my parents divorced and our family fell apart, and nobody could be there for each other. We just went about our lives. I don't think I ever dealt with those issues properly. I hope now that I recognize this, I can deal with those issues!

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is thedreamzone.com

(March 21-April 20)

Tuesday, Saturn goes retrograde (and Moon's) in Leo. Not a super-comfy moment for fire signs (especially Aries, since Mercury's also retrograde, and you sextile Gemini, a Mercury sign), but it could provide the impetus to do something about creative problems you've been chewing over for some time. Saturn is the planet of limitations, often called a "cross to bear." However, it's also the planet of challenges, so its current spite could get you off your "But ..." Love: the Ace of Wands in my tarot deck tells me the fire still burns; Career: ditto; Health: stay warm.

(April 21-May 21)

Mars is retrograde in Taurus until December 9, Mercury (in Sagittarius, then Scorpio) until the 3rd and now Saturn (in Leo) goes backward until April 2006. Can you say "Oy"? On the other hand, Taureans have an excuse to stay undercover for a few months, dreaming of the fabulous moments when planets go direct, and life as you know it once again falls into place. Keep a notebook by your bedside. Those dreams (and yes, even the nightmares) could bring you gold on your next birthday. Love: invite it in (or under); Career: happens nicely; Health: take a well-earned snooze.

(May 22-June 21)

Whoops—Mercury's retrograde again, darn it. Still, when all is said and done, this lag time does give cerebral Geminis a chance to slow down the thinking and stay in the "now." The mind is such a busy place for you, so the three weeks the planet of thought lags a little actually gives you an opportunity to let go. I mean, what else can you do? That odd bit of stupid business is going to happen despite your greatest efforts to control your every moment on the planet. Love: take it, it's yours; Career: spilled milk is easily mopped up; Health: unwind.

(June 22-July 22)

On Friday, soon after Moon enters Cancer most of the week- end, Mars squares Saturn, a volatile mix that could land you in the middle of an irritable office interchange. Try to hold your tongue, because Saturday brings riches galore, as Moon trines Jupiter and Uranus for unexpected good luck, and trines Mars for high-energy fun at home. You might consider inviting friends over, but keep it platonic. Moon opposite Venus in Capricorn indicates a tendency to rush in where angels fear to tread. Love: think it over; Career: smoothes out; Health: treat yourself well.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Monday, Moon in Leo squares Jupiter and Mars and trines Mercury, bringing a surge of emotional strength and optimism, especially in career-related matters. Saturn in your sign also goes retrograde on Tuesday afternoon. Do the work ASAP, so you'll feel free to snooze through the rest of the week. The Five of Wands in my tarot deck ("Strife") tells me you'll experience a bit of a meltdown when you realize how much you have to accomplish to meet your goals. Stay present and it will all happen on time. Love: helps you; Career: crunchy; Health: surrender.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

As Mercury continues its retrograde motion this week (through December 3) you're probably finding it's no so bad this time around, since Venus is in Capricorn, also an earth sign. That means you're being held in high esteem these days for your resourcefulness and ability to make good on your promises. "Prudence," the Eight of Disks and a Virgo card in my tarot deck, says you're putting down roots, whether at your present job or for jobs to come. It's all the same: profitable and progressive. Love: only a kiss away; Career: you're "on"; Health: do the footwork.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Mercury's retrograde, but that won't spoil your enjoyment of the (Mercury-ruled) Gemini Moon today (November 17) and Friday. The only downer is that Moon also opposes Mercury today, so you might feel a little frantic, with burdensome tasks to accomplish before Venus (in Capricorn) trines Mars (in Taurus) tonight and beckons you to play. Librans don't mind hard work, but they prefer it to be well-paced, and over when it's over. By late afternoon, Moon sextiling Saturn (planet of discipline) says it will be. Love: desires you; Career: runs itself by now; Health: let loose.

Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

You're looking at a water-sign weekend ahead, as Moon enters Cancer Friday afternoon and stays there through Sunday night. With Mercury (retrograde) still in Sagittarius, a fire sign, you'll find the atmosphere steamy, so don't be surprised if you and your playmate of the moment leave the party early. Moon trines Jupiter in Scorpio Saturday, and also sextiles Mars, which indicates that a flickering flame could end up a torch. Love: keeps taking you higher; Career: Jupiter's working in your favor; Health: you can be sensible and sensual.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

Mercury's been retrograde in Sagittarius since November 14 and remains in its recalcitrant stance until December 3. However, it enters Scorpio November 26, so you'll gallop forward as if nothing happened very soon. Plus, Moon's in Leo Monday through Wednesday morning and your natal Sun begins that day, too, so you'll hardly notice the Mercurial lag. Of course, Saturn (in Leo) goes retrograde that day, too, but you love fire whether it burns fast or slow. All these challenges just motivate you. Love: calls you over; Career: rise to the occasion; Health: stellar.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Saturn goes retrograde Tuesday. It's in Leo, but you'll feel the drag because it's your planetary ruler. The Devil, a Saturn/Capricorn trump card in the tarot, depicts a giant, goat-like creature, a man and woman chained together at his hairy knees. It's a card of Earthly attachments, enslavement to the system, things and people. You may feel a bit confined until Saturn goes direct April 6, 2006. Just remember: the "fishhook" planet's about spiritual lessons. What you learn from it improves you. Love: open up; Career: it happens; Health: go ahead—kvetch.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

Mercury retrograde always affects Aquarius, since your trine-mate Gemini is ruled by that planet, and Mercury is the planet of the mind. Aquarians tend to be brainy, so matters Mercurial—gray matters—are your provenance. The important thing for cerebral types to remember is that you don't want your mind to run amok thinking about the past and future unnecessarily. The "Interference" card in the tarot symbolizes this issue: layers of heavy swords (thoughts) keep you from true knowledge. Love: let it be; Career: give it time; Health: pay attention.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

Saturday, Moon in Cancer trining Jupiter and Uranus gives you access to powerful information you can use to improve your life in the coming months. A lunar sextile with Mars gives you the energy and motivation to run (or in your case, swim) with it all the way to the finish line. The tarot card—the Ten of Cups ("Fulfillment")—indicates that you are soon to be very pleased with the results of projects you started months ago; all about to come to fruition. Love: be kind; Career: give it everything you've got because it's about to pay off; Health: be smart.

Martha Woodworth is a Las Vegas psychic and astrologer. For inquiries about private readings, e-mail her at [email protected] or call 866-6682.

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