Mauled heARTworks

The world is a very small place. And Las Vegas must be even smaller. If someone had told me a year ago that I’d be writing a story about a Portland, Oregon, based Marilyn Monroe impersonator turned burgeoning Las Vegas artist focused on “surly realism” (generally depicting scathing abstract or often representational imagery)  I’d – well, I guess anything’s really possible these days.

I met Cybele about 4 years ago in Portland. Her charming Marilyn impersonation was one half of a singing duo completed by a rather zany accordion accompanist named Botielus. There is a real fantastical element to the situation when this sort of congregation is entirely unsuspected -- as was the visit to my then-boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. Cybele and Botielus were lucky I was at a very busy time in my life or I’d have arranged to send their delightful singing telegrams like “thank you” cards.

Flash forward four years and all kinds of technological advances made particularly for geeks and freaks more interested in creating a second life than living their first. I’m at my computer, typing away. (Particularly on I would delete this stupid account if people would stop finding me on it. Sure enough, here is Botielus informing me he and Cybele have moved to Vegas, of all places! Botielus is actually still entertaining and if you feel the need to surprise and delight he can be found at:

Cybele is making quite a name for herself these days with some sincerely original works of art. Self described, the pieces are often “twisted, mutilated, or decontextualized in such a way that they must be subjected to perverse reinterpretation.” No wonder Vegas loves Cybele.

If you’re looking to send something “from the heart” this Valentine’s day -- check out the new, passionately disturbing series that only Cybele could construct: “Mauled heARTworks”.  

See it all here: 

But don’t say you weren’t warned.

Precocious entrepreneur, workaholic and a rabid perfectionist Crystal Starlight knows a thing or two about getting ahead at a young age. Email her at [email protected]

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