
Tour dispatches

Dual bassist Judi Brown checks in via text message from Love Pentagon and Pan de Sal’s recent West Coast tour.

Reno is our home away from home! Last night’s show at Tonic Lounge was amazing! We had an encore request and signed some autographs. This raver guy was busting some remarkable moves during Pan de Sal’s set. Heading to SF after a delicious vegetarian meal and can’t wait to play Reno again on Saturday! Listening to ACoSA [A Crowd of Small Adventures] and Hungry Cloud in the van so we’re not too homesick. 1:49 p.m. 1/11/08

Just got into SF and are heading to a vegan sushi restaurant in the Mission near the venue. We make a point to hit as many good veggie places as financially possible since we have three vegans, four vegetarians and one omnivore. We’re playing our  only all-ages show of the tour tonight! 4:28 p.m. 1/11/08

It is extremely difficult to park a huge van in SF. We had to park several blocks from the place we stayed. It ended up being a really sketchy area so Jeff and I slept in the van. Scary! The show was in a punk-rock bar, not a huge crowd but a decent reception. They only paid us $20 for both bands! Hoping tonight’s show in Reno is more lucrative. 10:47 a.m. 1/12/08

Hung out in SF today and it was super fun! We played Rock Band at Jon Losey’s house, former member of Vegas band Annum Ford. And we did a Full House opening sequence in the park from the show. We decided to do a Punk Bunny cover for their CD-release show tomorrow! Both bands are pretty much going to karaoke their “Mustache Ride” song. We’re practicing it on our way to Reno. 3:05 p.m. 1/12/08

We totally got lost on this crazy detour near Tahoe and had to drive in foggy little mountain towns. It was like something out of Silent Hill. We’re going to be a bit late to the venue, haven’t eaten since this morning but everything is still fun! We keep listening to Nerf Herder’s “Nose Ring Girl” and replacing the words with “merch stand girl” for our merch girl Juawanna. Pilot majestic aka Amanda has been awesome through the treacherous terrain! 9:06 p.m. 1/12/08

Fun Reno fact: They serve tall cans in bars! We usually have to drink those in the parking lot at home! Also, Pan de Sal sold out of CDs, Amanda broke a string ’cause she was rocking out like Carrie Brownstein, and we had a lot of people tell us they saw both bands when we played in April! So they came to see us again, yay! 1:09 a.m. 1/13/08

So we stayed at the Peppermill hotel in Reno and the inside looks like a casino that Love Pentagon would open! Space carpet, pink neon lights and delicious veggie burgers! Unfortunately, we were too tired to take pictures, but when we tour in the summer we’re going to stay there for sure. We’re making a list of people to send thank you cards to including people we stayed with and bands that were nice to us. 10:10 a.m. 1/13/08

After our nine-hour drive from Reno to LA, we played a bittersweet last show of our tour for Punk Bunny’s CD-release party. There was an interesting mix of people at the show, and the door guy kept sweating everyone. We drove straight home after the show because our rented van was due back at 9 a.m. Exhausted and happy to be home, I’m sure it won’t be too long till we start missing the road. 1:43 p.m. 1/14/08.

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