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12:28 p.m.

The Black List: Volume One

By Benjamin Spacek

Your reaction to The Black List will depend largely on your expectations for documentary filmmaking, though it’s difficult to imagine anyone not being at least intrigued and entertained by it. Read more...

10:50 p.m.


By Julie Seabaugh

Pity Bernal wasn’t on hand for a post-film Q&A (seems the Y Tu Mama Tambien, Motorcycle Diaries and Science of Sleep star is attending a wedding in Spain this weekend), as Deficit is a film worth discussing—and rewatching—at length. Read more...

10:18 p.m.

She Unfolds By Day

By Benjamin Spacek

Director Rolf Belgum has a curious eye, and a curious imagination, so it stands to reason that She Unfolds By Day is a curious film. Ostensibly, it’s a documentary about dealing with his mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s. Except that it isn’t. Read more...

11 a.m.


By Tasha Chemplavil

I am the first one to admit that I am not the person for whom Schoof was made. But—as the number of people who walked out mid-movie proves—I am confident that the majority of the population fit into this same demographic. Therefore, I’m going to proceed with reviewing this “movie.” Read more...

10:47 a.m.

Happy Birthday, Harris Malden

By Josh Bell

The filmmaking collective known as Sweaty Robot (Juan Cardarelli, Nick Gregorio, Ben Davidow, Matthew Sanchez, Eric Levy) write, direct and star in Happy Birthday, Harris Malden, but unlike other groups who’ve taken this route (Broken Lizard, Kids in the Hall, Monty Python), they’re less a sketch-comedy troupe (although they are known for comedic online short films) than a self-contained production company. Read more...

7:51 p.m.

Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin’ With the Godmother

By Josh Bell

Billy Corben’s 2006 documentary Cocaine Cowboys was an almost perversely entertaining look at the Miami drug trade in the 1980s Read more...

1:53 p.m.

Last Cup

By Tasha Chemplavil

Anyone who’s spent any significant amount of time on a college campus knows about the illustrious game of beer pong. The activity that combines ping-pong balls, beer and plastic cups is a favorite among the frat-boy set. Read more...

1:39 p.m.

Explicit Ills

By Tasha Chemplavil

I’ve never dropped acid or suffered a concussion-induced state of temporary delirium. But after watching Explicit Ills, I feel like I’ve undergone both afflictions … simultaneously. With its multitude of stories, Ills proves that the whole is not greater than the sum of its parts—especially when the parts are not that great. Read more...

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