
You are in the midst of a major expansion, Scorpio. You are reaching further, opening wider and dreaming bigger.

Free Will Astrology (July 11)

You are in the midst of a major expansion, Scorpio. You are reaching further, opening wider and dreaming bigger.

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    What would you say is the most worn-out thing about you, Leo? Attend to it. You are likely to attract extra help and inspiration as ...

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    Taurus, now is an excellent time to start learning a new language or to increase your proficiency in your native tongue. Or both. It’s also ...

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    Has anyone stolen some of your power? Does anyone insist that only they can give you what you need? If there are people who fit ...

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    Keep doing what you have been doing, Gemini. Entertain us with your unruly escapades and gossip-worthy breakthroughs. Encourage us to question our dull certainties and ...

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    Your ancestors may have messages for you, Scorpio. Go in search of missing information about your origins.

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    Enjoy fantasizing about your dream home, Pisces. Imagine the comfortable sanctuary that would inspire you to feel utterly at home in your body, your life ...

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    Mysterious energies will soon begin healing at least some of the wounds in your financial genius, Taurus. As a result, I predict new powers of ...

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    Now that your mind, heart and world have opened wide, Virgo, try to anticipate how they might close down if you’re not always as bold ...

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    Do you believe there are divine beings, animal spirits and departed ancestors who are willing and able to help us, Gemini? If not, you may ...

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    Capricorn, take an inventory of what gives you pleasure, bliss and rapture. It’s an excellent time to identify the thrills that you love most.

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    I encourage you to be like a hunter in the coming weeks, Pisces. Not for wild animals, but for wild clues, wild signs and wild ...

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    I am not advising you to timidly huddle in your comfort zone, Gemini. On the contrary. I highly recommend you stretch your limits.

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    Now is a favorable time to make initial inquiries, ask for free samples and enjoy window shopping, Aries. But it’s not an opportune time to ...

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    Always opt for unruly beauty over tidy regimentation, Leo. Blend your fate with influences that exult in creative expressiveness, genial fertility and deep feelings.

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    Sagittarius, for your own selfish sake, you need to pour out more adoration and care and compassion than you ever have before.

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    It’s an excellent time to heal your memories and to be healed by them, Capricorn. Cultivate deep gratitude for your past as you give the ...

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    Are there parts of your life that have been divided, and you would like to harmonize them? Now is a good time to try, Virgo.

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    Virgo, you are in urgent need of re-dedicating yourself to your heart's desire.

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    Now is a time to be extra proactive in learning from your heroes, Gemini—and rounding up new heroes to be influenced by.

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