
Douchebag follow-up

Plus: Nelly’s ZizZazz drink, Palm’s A Midsummer Night’s Masquerade, and Ivan Kane’s Cafe Was

Douchebag follow-up

This just proves once more that when Los Angelenos come to poo all over Vegas (remember 21, Lucky You and Vegas Vacation?), they shouldn’t depart thinking the mayor is busy shining up their key to the city (unless he’s in the flick). Response to Hot Chicks With Douchebags (“Vegas gets booked,” July 31) has been varied, but no matter how you slice it, as far as book sales go, it’s been a good month for author Jay Louis.

At press time last week, the publisher had not yet weighed in on the much-disputed issue of SpyOnVegas’ participation. Resolving this cliffhanger, their answer, which came via e-mail from Simon Spotlight Entertainment Associate Publicist Jessica Krakoski, was brief: “The writer of Hot Chicks With Douchebags obtained written permission to use the photographs from” (Pause for lawyers to make calls and take blood-pressure meds.) It’s in writing? Good news for some, bad for others.

Not a word since from either camp. So until justice is meted out to … someone, anyone, it might gnaw at our consciences a little to see a good friend take a sucker-punch to the ego, but then, he did wear that shirt. And those sunglasses. And that über-douchebaggy hat …

A fizzy lifting drink

Pimpjuice is out. ZizZazz is in. Nelly can now add “ZizZazz owner and spokesperson” to his resume, right under “Grammy-winner,” “actor” and “co-owner of an NBA team.” He also has two clothing lines and a record label, so when does Nelly have time to sleep? Who cares? With ZizZazz Explosive Energy Mix, it won’t matter. “I’m excited to partner with ZizZazz. The drink mix helps my energy stay high during rehearsals and performances as I gear up for the release of Brass Knuckles,” says Nelly (supposedly), via a release.

Not-so-subtle album plug aside, what makes this boost of energy different from one of the other 10,278 products on the market you’ll consume before heading out to the club (or mix into your vodka)? For starters, the folks at ZizZazz were more creative, offering pomegranate-mango, cherry-lime, tangerine and lemon-raspberry flavors. It doesn’t come in a 32-ounce can, but it can be mixed into any beverage or consumed straight from the packaging. Party people can order the drink mix by the case online at We don’t know if Nelly had something to do with it, but the ZizZazz crew know what’s up and have included cocktail recipes on their website. Perfect for the socialite who never sleeps.

We’re already dreaming

Don’t forget your codpiece. The Palms’ second annual A Midsummer Night’s Dream costume gala theme, A Masquerade in the King’s Court, is inspired by 16th- and 17th-century England, so get thee to a costumier. Originally made famous at Hef’s Playboy Mansion, the exclusive event returns on August 16 at 9 p.m., the pool and bungalows being transformed into an enchanted forest and guests surrounded by a cast of characters including fortune-tellers, jesters, knights and ladies in waiting.

Scheduled to appear at the event are DJ Eric Cubeechee, Danny Love and The Funkler, along with a performance by illusionist the Great Merlini. And since you can’t have a Playboy party without Playmates, Tamara Sky will also step behind the decks. A costume or mask is required for admission, and tickets are $150 per person.

The café that Wa s

Ivan Kane is at it again … in LA. Following the success of Forty Deuce in both Los Angeles and Vegas, his next West Coast venture will open sometime this month. Café Wa s (yes, the space is intentional) piano bar and restaurant in Hollywood combines the bohemian with opulence. The name stems from the only working letters on a vintage “Café—Always open” sign Kane discovered in a neon graveyard, which (doctored a little) now hangs on the very modern building that houses the café. Hidden lounges, a grand staircase leading to nowhere and a mysterious balcony-turned-candle display invite patrons to take a peek into the mind of creator Kane. “I am always compelled to experiment and push the limits of my imagination for visual references,” says Kane. “With Café Wa s, the first bite will be taken with the eye.” The centerpiece of the space will be a revolving vintage 1924 Mason & Hamlin grand piano on which resident musicians and surprise guests will perform. An extensive wine and champagne menu will be available, in addition to classic cocktails and select spirits served by the flask. Kane hopes to open a Café Wa s in Las Vegas in the next few years.


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