
Some say “socialite,” others say “cheap-ass”

As Light Group’s 2008 Las Vegas Socialite of the Year, I was excited to dig into my oversized Christmas stocking, touted to be filled with “thousands of dollars in prizes.” Alone in my hotel room, I dumped out my stocking like a kid on Christmas morning and was perplexed to find out that I had been carrying around all night a stocking filled with empty plastic grocery bags. Undeterred—and admittedly a cheap-ass—I awoke the next morning, filled the stocking with everything not nailed down in the room, checked out, and thought I had gotten away with a grand hotel heist … until about 30 minutes later when, in the Bellagio Café, the 15 people I was lunching with decided to dump out my prize bag on the table to see what I won only to discover piles of stolen towels, shampoos and miniature ketchup bottles. Um … Merry … Oops?


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