
Emma Hughes

Putting English on it

Photo: Iris Dumuk

HOMETOWN: Wirral, England

AGE: 30, give or take …

PROFESSION: Bocce Bella, Rao’s, Caesars Palace

PROFILE: As one of her many gigs, this professionally trained dancer/model is one of a handful of Bocce Bellas who in warmer months help folks play the Italian game on Rao’s poolside course at Caesars. Currently in spring training, Hughes hits the gym at least four times per week to get her Pallino-throwing arm in shape for this season at Rao’s.

WHY I DO WHAT I DO: “I love sports; I’m very competitive. I’m probably the most competitive of the Bocce Bellas, and I love working outside. I would actually hang out there even if I weren’t working!”

PERSONAL TIDBIT: Dancing since the age of 4 and with an eye toward ballet, Hughes got her BA honors dance degree in London before moving on to a gig as a can-can dancer at Paris’ iconic Moulin Rouge. A French company later brought her to Reno, and the rest is Vegas entertainment history. Est-ce qu’elle parle Francais? “Un petit peu.”

WHAT I’M LISTENING TO: Spirit, by Leona Lewis and Rockferry, by Duffy

LATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Taking a rare step away from dance only just last week, Hughes was hired as a spokesmodel for home-building company Masco, giving presentations on kitchen design to hundreds for an entire week. And … she rocked it. “I thoroughly enjoyed it!”

QUOTE: “We have a saying in England … ‘Do whatever tickles your fancy.’ … I didn’t even mention tea. We could go on forever about tea!”


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