
Remembering Desiree Veilleux


The Weekly was saddened early last week to learn of yet another nightlife-industry passing, that of 28-year-old Bank Nightclub host Desiree Veilleux.

Originally from Maine, Desiree is affectionately remembered as someone who deeply loved her friends, who was always the life of the party and who had a smile that could inspire anyone to join in. Where work was concerned, colleagues always enjoyed the fact that Desiree would approach everything with a “spunky attitude,” and “that [she] didn’t take shit from anyone.” Through a quote Desiree featured on her MySpace page, she may have summed up her outlook best herself: “Hug everyone you can today, because tomorrow is a gift that is never guaranteed.”

A memorial service was held Sunday, May 31, at the Bellagio, where over 200 of Desiree’s family members, friends and longtime nightlife clients celebrated her unquestionably positive impact on their lives.


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