
  • Photo of Stacy J. Willis

Stacy J. Willis

Story Archive

  • Politics

    Thursday, Aug. 21, 2008

    We’ve innocently come to revel in our hatred of the U.S. president, and the Vegas sun is trying to kill us. The 28-ton blue bus with an enormous George Bush face on the side is parked off of Sunset Road, but the doors to its promising insides—“exhibits on how disastrous Bush/Conservative policies are”—aren’t open yet.

  • LV Weekly

    Thursday, Aug. 14, 2008

    Judge Halverson, 50, is back for this fifth day of a judicial disciplinary hearing meant to determine whether she is fit to keep her judgeship, from which she was suspended more than a year ago after accusations from court insiders that she fell asleep on the bench, that she made her bailiff rub her feet, that she spoke to the jury against court rules.

  • Government

    Thursday, July 31, 2008

    When she’s finished reading the storybook aloud, she tells the squirming kids, “I’m Catherine, and I’m your attorney general.” They blink, mostly, and wait.

  • Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    All of these things kept coming back to him: the 3-year-old girl’s crushed eye socket, the mask-like face of a woman who had been run over by a truck, her brain laying several feet away on the curb, the dead babies, the sodomized kids, the suicides.

  • Dining

    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    What really hurts in a near-depression/recession/national tragedy is when cherished neighborhood coffeehouses are affected. Upon hearing the death knell for five—five—of my favorite local Starbucks, I set out to enjoy them all one last time before they close on July 27, and to chronicle them here, so that they’re etched in history.